Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spiritual diarrhea

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Cor 15:33

I am amazed at how many people, including those who claim to be of the faith, engage in evil company. It seems that they have no sense of what is good or evil.
  • They have their ears open to gossip
  • They like to always “stay informed" about other people’s lives
  • They pass along harmful or useless information they hear 
  • Their ears become a toilet to collect the verbal feces their "friend"—who happens to be having a bad episode of spiritual diarrhea—spews out (small detail: they don’t rebuke or teach their friend, who is spiritually ill. They simply collect his or her feces).
  • They criticize and judge others without knowing even 10% of the real story
  • They love rumors and conspiracy theories
  • They spend one hour on the phone entertaining useless conversations about other people but don’t spend even a minute praying for them
At the beginning of my faith, I learned that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. (Matthew 12:36)

Since then, I’ve always had this fear in my heart of talking nonsense. I think those who know God have this sensitivity.

Many have become corrupt, spiritually and mentally rotten, because they haven’t been careful to avoid evil conversations.

It would be better for them to lose both their speech and hearing.

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