Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I want your faith
How many times peo­ple come to us say­ing, “I pray to God but noth­ing hap­pens in my life. I want to have a faith like yours, please help me!
Their mis­take is to think that they need a big faith to con­quer some­thing in life. The Lord Jesus Him­self said, “If you have faith as a mus­tard seed, you will say to this moun­tain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and noth­ing will be impos­si­ble for you” (Matthew 17:20).
You don’t need a big faith (size), but a great faith (qual­ity). And what does it mean to have a great faith? It’s sim­ply to obey the Word of God. That’s right, the kind of faith that brings results is the obe­di­ent faith, which works in our intel­lect, and not the emo­tional faith that comes from the heart, which is the cen­tre of our emotions.
It’s not by chance that Abra­ham is con­sid­ered the father of faith. He did not per­form any mir­a­cles, but he obeyed the voice and guid­ance of God.
An obe­di­ent faith is an intel­li­gent faith. If God tells me to do some­thing, I will do it. Why?
• Because He always wants what is best for me.
• Because He knows exactly what is going to hap­pen to me.
• Because He can do all things.
The faith that comes from the heart, on the other hand, makes peo­ple lift up their hands and stamp their feet, say­ing, “I am revolted against this sit­u­a­tion and ready for any­thing…” but when push comes to shove, they do not obey God’s voice. This kind of faith does not bring results, and even if they con­quer a few small things, they will not last long.
If you read Deuteron­omy 28, you will be able to under­stand this intel­li­gent faith. All God asks is that His peo­ple obey Him and all the bless­ings a per­son can think of are promised there; how­ever, all curses are also avail­able to those who opt to disobey.
The good news is to obey is a mat­ter of choice. It’s up to YOU to choose whether or not to obey the voice of God.
If you don’t know what the will of God is or what to do at this moment of your life, tell the Holy Spirit right now, “My God, show me Your will and give me strength to exe­cute it.” (I’ve learnt this with Bishop Macedo)
I can guar­an­tee you that your life will never be the same.
P.S. Don’t for­get: What we sow (when we chose to obey), we will also reap. This is why on Judge­ment Day no one will have excuses to give.
God bless you.
Bishop Celso Junior

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