Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Only for the intelligent


Slavery left deep marks that have not yet been erased. Maybe they never will.

The greatest ally of whites, in terms of slavery, was the Catholic church and the barriers it imposed on black thinking, which resulted in constant suffering and forced labor.

Slave owners said to themselves: we cannot allow blacks to rest and have time to think. If they have time to think they’ll rise up against us.

Throughout history, this is the most common tactic of hell in enslaving humanity.

Vicious animals can be controlled by men simply because they do not think.

Satan uses every means at his disposal to stop people from thinking.
Jesus was persecuted and hated because He taught people to think.
Many hate the UCKG because it does all it can to teach people to think.

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel…” – The Holy Spirit – 2 Corinthians 4.4.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – Jesus – John 8.32
He did not say:  you shall feel the truth and the truth shall make you free.

Many so-called Christians sing about the truth, are moved by the truth and even feel the truth…
But have never known the truth.

It’s amazing to see how much more inclined people are to feeling than thinking.
Satan knows this only too well.

As a result, the world is emotion-filled.
As long as people refuse to use their sense of reason, they will never, ever, at any time be free.

They will continue to be slaves of addictions, religion, poverty, old wives’ tales, the horoscope, emotion-filled songs, in essence, their minds will be subject to their heart’s bidding.

Whenever people want to get ahead in life, they invest in training that will give them additional expertise in their field.

For this reason, people make every effort to be admitted into a university, sacrificing money, time and leisure.
Once there, they do not simply learn a profession, but most importantly, develop a sense of reason, which increases their effectiveness.

No emotions.

Those who live by emotions are childish. They are defenseless because they have not learned how to use reason.

They survive on pure emotion, and are sitting ducks for pedophiles.

Advice: mothers, never, ever, at any time trust your children with other adults.

May God abundantly bless you.

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