Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Three phases of the dry bones

First phase: dry bones exposed to the sun in an open valley, Ezekiel 37.1
They are the people of this world, dead in trespasses and sins.
" who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience..." Ephesians 2.1-2

Second phase: the servant announces the Word of his Master. Then, the bones come together according to their DNA. Many skeletons are formed. Then comes the flesh, tendons and skin. Everything is new. And the skeletons are transformed into bodies, but they do not have life.
They are the people who have benefited from the miracles of faith. Healed, free from addictions, had their family restored, their finances transformed, etc. They have joined as members of institutions (Christian denominations), but because they have no spirit, this is, the Holy Spirit, they have no life. They are a part of the body of members of a denomination, but they are not a part of the Body of Christ.
"He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He might have the preeminence..." Colossians 1.18
Although such believers have received a few crumbs (miracles), they are still without the countenance of God's image. Because of this, their faith is limited. Not everything is possible for them.
They are thought to be living, but they are just bodies lying in the valley of this world.

Third phase: The bodies receive the Spirit of God. His breath causes the to get up and form a great army. The army of the Living God on Earth. The Holy Spirit counts on them to prophesy and save the others.
It is not difficult to get from the first phase to the second phase. Many are called. But to get from the second phase to the third phase, you need to sacrifice, sacrifice and sacrifice. This is, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus (obey His Word), day after day. These are the chosen ones.
This Sunday, at 7am and 6pm, the "Great Challenge of the offering and tithe givers”. We will also be consecrating the tithe givers. If you are a tithe giver or offering giver, please bring your Bible. We can only claim what is rightfully ours, with the promises of Almighty God’s Word in hand.

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