Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Investor and the Adventurer
The investor is not afraid of sowing because he is certain of what he will reap. He does not consider the risks because he believes that "he who observes the wind will not sow and he who regards the clouds will not reap...," Ecclesiastes 11.4. This is the faith of the investor. His faith, his spirit.
Contrary to the investor, the adventurer is a gambler, who likes to push his luck. He trusts in the power of luck and doubts that it can fail.
Both of them have one thing in common: they are not afraid to go after what they want. The only difference lies in having assurance.
The investor does not have a problem with insecurities, because the foundation of his actions is established over the Word of the Creator.
As an adventurer, the gambler depends on his intuition. Because his mentality is set on riches, his dreams are moved by fantasy-filled emotions. He thinks that his day will come, he was born to be rich and sooner or later his luck will change. He lives by how he thinks his life should be. His dreams are based on what "he thinks", inspired by his heart.
The investor is different; he thinks differently, acts differently and has another Spirit. He absorbs the thoughts of the Almighty and applies them with absolute assurance. This assurance flows from the Throne of the Almighty.
This is called supernatural faith or the power of God that flows from his interior in the form of conviction.
Those who want to find out if they are an investor or an adventurer need to evaluate themselves when it comes to investing in the Word of God. When there is the slightest bit of fear or doubt about the outcome, it is because you are not ready to take possession of the Promises.
The investor does not pay attention to the circumstances and does not observe the winds of the market. Instead, inside himself, there is an assurance that the worst circumstances make for the best opportunities.
Inside, he is convicted that regardless of how things may appear, the Word of God is the power of God for those who believe.
Like it is written: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes...," Romans 1.16.
Not only is it is the power of God for the salvation of the soul, but also for all other difficult situations.
The investor knows this and goes for it with all his might because he likes challenges. His aggressive character is persistent because of his personal conviction.
He believes that the Greatness of God is not for those who think small.
He knows that God does not need His partner to be physically strong in order to do great things. However, He requires him to think like He does. This is the minimum He requires.
Is it possible for two people to become partners if they are in disagreement?
God is infinitely Great, however, He is looking for people that will embrace His ideas and put them into practice, so that His glory can be manifested in this world.
It does not matter who you are, if you are highly knowledgeable or illiterate, man or woman, deserving or not of God’s attention, godly or ungodly.
God is willing to partner up with you, as long as you forget about your own abilities and depend on Him.

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