Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A demon cast out on Facebook

Dear bishop!
I would like to share something that happened to my sister, a pastor’s wife doing the work of God in Mexico. It’s long but interesting.
My sister met a 14 year old girl whose mother is a tarot reader, her father is a drug addict and her brother hates the UCKG. This girl has always seen demons, 24 hours a day, and they do not allow her to sleep, study, eat or even drink water.
When she manifested in church, the devil said he would make her starve to death. When she manifests, she is conscious of everything that is happening around her and can hear the plans of the devil. My sister has been following her deliverance process very closely.
At night when she’s in her room and is being attacked, she logs on to Facebook and calls my sister. During one conversation, she began to write strange things and at first my sister thought it was the girl’s brother on the computer, but it wasn’t…
Here is part of that conversation (Bibiana is the young woman and Sandra is my sister):
Bibiana: - Leave me alone!
Sandra: - You are always so respectful, so I know this is not you.
Bibiana: - It’s me! Do you have a problem with that?
Sandra: - I don’t believe that. This is not Bibiana.
Bibiana: - Leave me alone!
Sandra: Ok, but I will always be ready to help Bibiana. I will always be available for her whenever she needs me.
Bibiana: - Go away, stay away from her.
Sandra: - Tell me who this is, please. Is this her brother, Juan Pablo?
Bibiana: - He’s on a trip. I’m inside her body. Guess who I am. Legion is my name.
Sandra: - OK then, cursed Legion, receive fire right now in the name of Jesus who overcame you. Come out of her right now!
Bibiana: - No!
Sandra: - This is an order in the name of Jesus who overcame you on the cross; receive fire, fire, be burned by this fire.
Bibiana: - Thanks to you and your “help”, instead of 7 we are now 3. I hate you!
Sandra: - Armies of angels belonging to Almighty God, the God of Abraham, pull you out of her right now. I hate you much more, cursed and defeated demon. Come out of her now!
Bibiana: - No, she is mine.
Sandra: - You are tied up with God’s holy fire, and the angels of my Lord pull you out of her right now, in Jesus’ name. Come out of her, and never come back!
Bibiana: - I will never leave her, fool, sorry creature. I hate you! Who are you to tell me what to do?
Sandra: - I am a daughter of the Most High God and I command you in Jesus’ name to get out of her now! You are nothing. You are defeated, go to the lake of fire right now!
After that, the conversation stopped. But after a while, Bibiana made a video call to my sister and told her that she had watched as her own hands were typing everything, but could not take back control of her own body. She said the demon had placed her own hands on her neck and forced them to squeeze, saying that he would kill her.
Bibiana was powerless and alone, unable to do a thing, unable to stop her own hands from choking her, but a command had already been given and Bibiana distinctly heard a voice say: “She is mine, release her now.” Then Bibiana regained consciousness and no longer saw any demons in her room. She was relieved and happy. She called my sister, told her everything, slept all that night and was seeking God in the UCKG the very next day.
This girl’s testimony will be very great and will without a doubt save many souls!
Regardless of the circumstances, the devil has to submit to the name of Jesus!
Standing strong in the faith of Abraham,
A Friend.

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