Monday, February 27, 2012

Birthrights of the Firstborn

Mankind is the masterpiece of God’s creation. Adam was guaranteed to have the right to God’s authority over the earth. He was His firstborn, the prince of God on earth. Genesis 1.26
However, he lost his status as the prince of God when he disobeyed the Creator. And to make things worse, he handed the dominion to satan on a silver platter.
This transfer of powers initiated the reign of the kingdom of darkness and injustice, which caused great chaos upon planet earth. Up until this point, the devil went to and fro on the earth, but he didn’t have any authority over it.
Chaos ruled until the days of Noah, when the Lord decided to wipe out the entire human race and start all over again.
Noah was chosen to replace Adam and his dominion of the Earth. Righteousness, integrity and faithfulness to God elected him as a seed for a new civilization.
Shem, Noah’s firstborn son, did not seem to follow in his father's footsteps. And again, the corruption of mankind gave place to justice. However, a covenant between God and Noah ensured the survival of the planet.
And instead of setting up His Kingdom on Earth beginning with a living soul, with an Adamic nature, He decided to do it with a life-giving Spirit, which has a spiritual nature. This is, in creations born of water and the Spirit, through faith in Jesus Christ, His Firstborn.
Therefore, He had to create a civilization that was separated from the others, who would be faithful to Him, a pure race, who was godly, to give birth to His Son. After all, He couldn’t possibly be born into a pagan family.
And from the lineage of Shem, Noah’s firstborn son, God found Abraham.
Abraham’s calling made him a prince of God on earth. Genesis 23.6
God’s divine plan for Abraham was to have him form a chosen race, His exclusive property. These people, who were separated from everyone else on Earth, would form a nation of priests to serve the Almighty, to which would be born God’s Firstborn: Jesus. I Peter 2:9
Righteousness, mercy and faith elected Abraham to receive the fullness of the God’s authority on earth. The same which had been given to Adam and Noah.
In the law of primogeniture, the firstborn son inherits his father's authority over the family. He becomes the leader, taking the highest position of authority in their clan. The mother and the other family members must obey and respect him.
Just like in the past, pacts made between the Creator and His creations influenced the traditions of marriage, the same happens today, when the firstborn son traditionally carries on the responsibility of managing his father's business.
However, through a spiritual point of view, the blessing of the firstborn goes far beyond material responsibilities. This has to do with God’s authority on earth, which isn’t only given to His firstborn son, but to all those who are born of water and the Holy Spirit. Every legitimate child of God carries a birthright. They are His prince or princess on earth. They are given His authority over all things.
God sees those who are born of the Spirit, whether man or woman, as though they were angels, without gender, color, age, race or social class. They're all alike. This is why they are principalities, princes or messengers of the Eternal on earth.
Abraham understood this. That’s why he was careful not to allow his son to marry a pagan girl, because that would corrupt the Divine inheritance, like his ancestors Adam and Shem.
And isn’t that what happens in a royal family?
Normally, the heir to the throne is not allowed to marry a commoner.
When God the Father sent His Firstborn into the world, He established the Kingdom of God through Him. No longer would His Kingdom be on earth, instead it would now be within those who sacrifice the kingdom of this world for the Kingdom of God. Luke 17.21
Through Jesus, everyone that is sealed with the Holy Spirit becomes God’s firstborn on earth. In other words, they become a representative of the Eternal in this world. They are given His authority over principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual forces of evil.
The Kingdom of God was inaugurated by the Lord Jesus when he wiped out the sins of those who obey him, and disarmed the principalities and powers of this world on Calvary.
For that reason, the Holy Spirit says:
"...Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”
Colossians 2.14-15
Jesus said, "But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you." Matthew 12.28. In other words, once the principalities of this world have been overcome, the person’s heart becomes clean and ready to inaugurate the kingdom of God.

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