Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dizzy cockroaches
For every single servant of God in the Bible, faith was a part of their obedience, and obedience was a part of their faith.
In the past, much like in the present, those who are disobedient do not have God's Spirit. They have faith for certain things, but not the faith to obey.

Disobedient believers, like rebellious unbelievers, give little thought to God’s judgment. Deep down they think that God’s infinite love makes Him incapable of casting anyone into the Lake of Fire. This causes them to relax, both in faith and in obedience to His Word.
They have forgotten that disobedience is an act of rebellion. And for that precise reason, the Lord God did not spare Lucifer and the other rebellious angels, nor did He spare mankind during the time of Noah, let alone the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Why then would He spare you when you act just like them?
They also forget that He is Justice. Though He loves all sinners, He still hates sin.
Any and all kinds of sin are a form of injustice.
There's no hope of having a working relationship between justice and injustice, just as there is no relationship between light and darkness.
A disobedient person may be faithful to the doctrines of the church, to the pastor, in their tithes and offerings, but if he does not obey the Word of God, he is still rebellious.
For this reason, he does not have an anointing, does not have spiritual authority over evil, does not have spiritual vision and worse of all, he is not sealed with the Holy Spirit.
Like a senseless cockroach, he is always going back and forth. He is not definite about his faith. He resists the sacrifice of his personal wishes and desires to obey the One he calls Lord.
To his followers, the Lord Jesus clearly said:
"...Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5.20
Who were the scribes and Pharisees?
They were the religious hypocrites of Jesus’ day.
What is their fate and that of others who act like them?
“Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?" Matthew 23.33
King David is an excellent example of how faith and obedience must work together. His example also serves as an illustration of the drastic consequences of disobedience.
Hermes’ comment in this blog (Portuguese) about the Truth Test video, shows a lack of anointing. It also serves as an example of the absence of the Holy Spirit.
By: Hermes 24 February 2012 at 06:16
Bishop I was talking to a customer who claims to be a pastor and was boasting about how he had preached in many evangelical churches. I asked him how he was able to do it and how he found the inspirations to make those services. He said he had attended the UCKG for 15 years and had learned to make services by watching you, Bishop. So I asked him another question: What church does the Bishop attend in order to have this great spiritual vision? Then he said: The Bishop has the HOLY SPIRIT TO LEAD HIM.

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