There’s no thirst for God, there’s no desire to change one’s life, let alone be the temple of the Spirit of God. There’s only a desire to speak in tongues.
This “holy” ambition has nothing to do with God. Rather, it is a mere manifestation of vanity fuelled by deceiving spirits. These spirits use emotions to deceive imprudent people, making them feel weird sensations that culminate in their speaking in tongues.
That’s why many people are following the “slain in the spirit” doctrine, walking on their hands and knees like a lion in the zoo.
This and other eccentricities have been happening simply because these people do not have the Spirit of Truth.
Under no circumstances should a person desire to be baptised with the Holy Spirit because he or she wants to speak in tongues. If they speak, just as the Bible says, fine; if they don’t speak, then what? The Spirit of God is not limited to the gift of speaking in tongues. The fact that a person does not speak in tongues should not be a reason for doubting, which will end up impeding the Holy Spirit to work.
The baptism with the Holy Spirit is not for a person to speak in tongues, but to enable God’s servants to do His will and to perform His Work.
Besides, how can we discern between good and evil in this corrupt and hypocritical world, filled with deception? How can we know whom to date and marry according to the will of God?
What career should we choose in order to be more useful in the Kingdom of God?
Which church is of God?
How to distinguish between a false and a true man of God if they both speak or preach His Word?
How to separate the weed from the wheat?
How to identify the voice of God and the voice of the devil?
These and other doubts are cleared up when we are under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Who better than the Holy Spirit to guide His children into all truth?
The Lord Jesus said, … when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. John 16.13
O my God and my Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus, guard Your people from the spirits of the antichrist and of deception.
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