Jesus kicking the legs out from under the soul
Some use the glamour of the world to satisfy their soul;
Some spend their entire life in the pursuit of personal fulfilment;
Others even die for the glory that this world offers them.
But the glory that this world offers comes from below and ends when a person dies;
Whereas the glory that comes from Above—from the Holy Place—is everlasting. It comes straight from the Source of Glory, and it never ends.
Jesus was glorified by the Father when He received the Holy Spirit, after His water baptism. That day, He heard a voice from heaven saying,
This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.Matthew 3.17
When the Holy Spirit comes He confirms that voice deep inside of those who are sealed with the Spirit.
It has nothing to do with feelings or emotions, and everything to do with assurance.
On another occasion, in anguish of soul, Jesus did not pray for help, let alone relief from the situation He was about to face.
Instead, He used reason to confront the feelings (anguish) of his soul, thereby teaching us a lesson: And what shall I say? “Father, save Me from this hour?” But for this purpose I came to this hour.John 12.27-28
Then He knocked the legs out from under his soul by saying, Father, glorify Your name.
In other words: Father, I sacrifice the impulses of my soul in order to do Your will.
A voice was immediately heard from heaven: I have already brought glory to My name, and I will do so again.John 12.28 NLT
When the crowd heard this voice, some thought it was thunder, while others declared that an angel had spoken to Him.
But the most important point is that God the Father glorified God the Son before many witnesses.
The presence of the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to sacrifice the yearnings of our soul and fulfil the will of God. And when this happens, the glory of the Father is manifested in His children for all eternity.
Think about this!
May God bless you more and more.
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