The Kingdom of Heaven is for those who sacrifice
It would be easy not to talk about sacrifice. We would not expose ourselves to criticism, the messages would be lighter, we would please both Greeks and Romans and no one would feel offended.
However, because we do not work according to the rules of this world, we are not merchants of the Word, we do not live off the selling of books, we do not run for political office and are not concerned about attracting religious people, we’ve chosen to follow the inspiration of the Spirit of God and proclaim the truth that sets people free.
Those who believe, go forward. Those who don’t believe, stay behind with the foolish virgins.
The truth is, when sin does not instantly kill, it slowly beats a sinner to death.
Many people, Christian and non-Christian, are groaning and don’t know how to get rid of their agony.
The truth is, when sin does not instantly kill, it slowly beats a sinner to death.
Many people, Christian and non-Christian, are groaning and don’t know how to get rid of their agony.
The spirit of sin is possessing mankind and leading them to a state of chaos.
Although many people know the Gospel, only a few have the courage to put it into practice and dwell within the shelter of God.
Most prefer to stick to a message of salvation and avoid the sacrifice of the flesh.
Although many people know the Gospel, only a few have the courage to put it into practice and dwell within the shelter of God.
Most prefer to stick to a message of salvation and avoid the sacrifice of the flesh.
Meanwhile, deceiving and antichristian spirits are free to work, causing relentless suffering in those who believe in God.
These recent days are not very different from the days of John the Baptist. In those days, not only did he preach repentance, he led sincere Jews to confess and abandon their sins. Matthew 3:1-10
These recent days are not very different from the days of John the Baptist. In those days, not only did he preach repentance, he led sincere Jews to confess and abandon their sins. Matthew 3:1-10
Right now, wouldn’t this be God’s will for your life? What’s the point of looking for God’s help in church when you continue to live in adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, etc…
Who do you think you’re fooling?
What do you think you’re going to accomplish?
How long are you going to keep this spirit of sin inside of you?
Sin is a spirit. Whoever says yes to sin, says yes to its spirit.
What do you think you’re going to accomplish?
How long are you going to keep this spirit of sin inside of you?
Sin is a spirit. Whoever says yes to sin, says yes to its spirit.
How can a person get out of this prison?
Sacrifice your flesh until it dies of starvation.
If you sacrifice your flesh, where will the spirit of sin live?
Sacrifice your flesh until it dies of starvation.
If you sacrifice your flesh, where will the spirit of sin live?
If you want an immediate answer from God, then sacrifice to Him immediately. However, if you do not abandon a life of promiscuity, adultery, lying, stealing, immorality and everything else that pleases the devil, how do you expect the Spirit of God to work in your life?
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