The Character of God
A person’s character relates to his or her moral values, nature and behavior.
Only those who are born of the Holy Spirit truly manifest the character of God, and that is because His children become spiritual beings. John 3.6
Their emotional or fleshly nature is changed into a rational or spiritual nature.
This is why many faithful members of the Church, and overly religious believers are left wondering why they are still unable to live lives that agree with Christian faith. They behave one way in church and in a completely different way outside.
In church they act righteous, polite and seemingly spiritual.
In church they act righteous, polite and seemingly spiritual.
At home, at work, and among their friends they are fleshly, rude and clearly troubled people.
This happens because they have not been born of the Holy Spirit. They do not have God’s nature. They are convinced of the truth, but are not yet converted to the Lord Jesus. Their character speaks for itself.
Humans are emotional by nature—it all began with Adam and Eve. God created them living beings.
A Godly nature is a spiritual nature, one that originates with Jesus. He was not created by God; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and therefore a life-‐giving spirit. I Corinthians 15.45
The same process used by the Holy Spirit in the birth of Jesus has to happen with each one of Jesus’ disciples. Otherwise, they will continue to have Adam’s nature—and even worse, they will not be considered children of God.John 1.13
This is the amazing role of the Holy Spirit: He causes some to be born of God.
And for those who have already been born of God, He comes to stamp them with the Seal of God. This is the baptism that the Lord Jesus performs.
And for those who have already been born of God, He comes to stamp them with the Seal of God. This is the baptism that the Lord Jesus performs.
The first apostles were born of God when Jesus breathed on them. John 20.22
But only on the Day of Pentecost were they baptized with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2.1
As you can see, the purpose of the Holy Spirit is not speaking in tongues, but for you to display the same character as His Son: Jesus.
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