The Fast of Daniel – Day Twenty
The Snowball Effect
The Kingdom of Light vs. the kingdom of darkness;
The land of Good vs. the land of evil;
The Lord God—Father of His children vs. the lord and father of the children of the world.
Who is the master of your life? What kingdom do you belong to?
Your dreams might not have been realized
yet, but if you belong to the Kingdom of God you will find
shelter beneath His protection. Nothing can happen to you without
the permission of the Almighty.
And if by chance something that seems bad should happen to you, down the road you will understand how it was for your own good.
"A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you."Psalm 91.7
Having said that, those who leave the
Kingdom of Light no longer have this protection. This means they
automatically enter the kingdom of darkness. From then on, any choices
they make, even if they seem right, will still be wrong and will have
serious consequences in the end—suffering, pain and worst of all,
eternal death.
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness..."John 8:12
This means: those who do not follow Me, walk in darkness.
What kind of protection is there for those who walk in darkness?
Many ruin their lives by choosing to marry
the wrong person. They eventually get divorced and marry someone
else. Later on, they get divorced again and marry another person. In
their frantic pursuit of happiness, they keep trading spouses but are
never able to stick with anyone—a vicious cycle from hell.
Worst of all, while drifting down this
path children are being brought into the world. What future will these
children have? They have one father today, another one tomorrow, and the
day after, still another...
These little ones will inherit this curse and pass it on to other generations—a snowball effect.
When the spirit does not think, the body and soul will reap the fruits of hell.