Sunday, November 28, 2010

At least be useless

I wasn't the one who said it:

In the same way, you, when you have done all you were ordered to do, say: We are useless servants; we have only done what we were supposed to do. Luke 17.10

According to the Lord Jesus, the definition of useless is not someone who is idle or just sits around and does nothing all day. His take on it was that the useless person is the one who does only what he should have done — in other words, nothing extra, no more than what was expected of him.

Of course, the goal is to become a useful servant, someone who exceeds expectations. But we know such people are rare.

The problem is that there are too many people who need to improve a lot just to achieve "useless" status. That's because they don't do even what they are supposed to.

If you have no ambition to become a useful servant, then at least be useless. Less than that is to waste your existence.


  1. This is really true and i have seen it happen severally. As for me, i have understood that in everything that i do or am told to do, i am to do it wholeheartedly and more so go an extra mile to what i was ment to do rather than do little without putting my effort in it or even choose not to do it completely.

  2. for me i have understood that if you are willing to do something do it with all your strength its better not do it than doing half way.
