An easy-to-read translation of this exact verse says, “From the time of John until now, people try hard to break into the kingdom of heaven. And strong people take hold of it.”
A person who thinks can easily see a big difference between the original text, which is difficult, harsh and heavy, and the easy-to-read translation, which is easy, soft and light.
Trying hard is not enough.
What really matters is taking hold of the Kingdom of God.
Those who want to take possession of the Kingdom of God must be aware of its natural difficulties. It’s war!
In order to take hold of the Kingdom of God we must overcome the kingdom of hell.
We must overcome—or rather conquer it.
A conqueror is not an adventurer, and an adventurer is not a conqueror.
Whilst adventurers make an attempt, conquerors take possession.
Conquerors stand out because of their determination. They’re idealists by nature; obstinate concerning their belief; persevering in their faith, firm and consistent when making decisions. They are not afraid of death; in fact they are always ready to sacrifice everything for what they believe in.
Conquerors are obedient. Disciplined, but violent.
They don’t feel sorry for doing what needs to be done.
They don’t care about the opinion of others.
Their emotions are subject to reason.
This was the spirit of Abraham, Joshua, Caleb, Jephthah, David and his three mighty men.
The Spirit of God is after people like them.
The Kingdom of God suffers violence because only the conquerors take hold of it.
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