In the Bible, feasts were held to honor special guests of the king and queen, and were always held in special halls of the palace or in courtyards.
Nowadays, the heart is the palace where feasts are held. The king or queen is that person who has been living without God's direction. The guests are demons with an insatiable hunger. They enter and hang around that person’s life, right in front of the tasty dishes.
Take a look at this list of foods that appeal to demons’ appetites:
Plate 1 - Grief
Plate 2 - Hatred
Plate 3 - Sexual immorality
Plate 4 - Adultery
Plate 5 - Lies
Plate 6 - Theft
Plate 7 - Cruelty
Plate 8 - Doubt
Plate 9 - Pride
Plate 10 - Hypocrisy
"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness and blasphemies." Matthew 15.19
Here are some of the devil’s favorite dishes. He enters a person’s heart, sits at the table and enjoys a delicious lunch and dinner, washed down with the wine of this world.
And why not have some breakfast and an afternoon snack too?
Oh, and we can’t forget about that snack before bedtime.
Assistants, members, and all others, the devil will never stop paying visits to your palace as long as you keep holding feasts for him in your heart.
"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?" Jeremiah 17.9
God bless you!
Bishop Sergio Correa
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