In a way, this makes total sense because we are the kings of our own lives. However, whether you want to accept it or not, there is a spiritual king who has complete reign over your life: the King of Light or the king of darkness. Of the seven billion people in this world, each one has a palace where feasts are held for their guests.
We already know which foods appeal the most to the king of darkness, which is the devil, and his guests, the demons.
We already know which foods appeal the most to the king of darkness, which is the devil, and his guests, the demons.
If, on one hand, demons are attracted to the feast in the palace of the heart, on the other hand, the King of Light –the Lord Jesus– is attracted by the aroma of delicious foods that awaken the desire for Him to come into the heart and once there, dine with the host in perfect communion.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Revelation 3.20
Take a look at this list of foods that appeal to the King of Light:
Plate 1 – Sincerity
Plate 2 – Acknowledging your insignificance
Plate 3 – Complete surrender
Plate 4 – Confession of sins
Plate 5 – Renounce (sacrifice)
Plate 6 – Obedience to the Word of God
Plate 7 – Rational Faith
Plate 8 – Thirst for the Holy Spirit
Plate 9 – Faithful in everything, including tithes
Plate 10 – Baptism in Water
Plate 2 – Acknowledging your insignificance
Plate 3 – Complete surrender
Plate 4 – Confession of sins
Plate 5 – Renounce (sacrifice)
Plate 6 – Obedience to the Word of God
Plate 7 – Rational Faith
Plate 8 – Thirst for the Holy Spirit
Plate 9 – Faithful in everything, including tithes
Plate 10 – Baptism in Water
These are some of the foods that the King of Light finds appealing, when He finds someone willing to give up their own reign to offer it to Him, who is nothing more or nothing less, than the Author of life. This gives us a better understanding why He is called "King of kings". We are the kings of our lives and He reigns over us. Isn’t that wonderful, Assistants and all other readers?
"And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." Revelation 19.16
God bless you all
Bishop Sergio Correa
Bishop Sergio Correa
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