God looked in the mirror and made a copy of Himself and called it 'men'.
Think about that.
We're not like animals (like some ridiculous theory made up by a very weird guy says). We're not like nature. We're like God. Isn't that wonderful? All the nature and all the animals were created for us, as if God had decorated the place before our arrival.
Then as a Good Parent, He gave Adam responsibilities. Starting with the naming of all the animals. That must have been fun! Meanwhile, He'd walk side by side with him, telling him of all the unimaginable things he could still do... that was when He realised, Adam was still missing something in his life... something that He Himself included in the making of man... a desire to have a family of his own.
He gently put him to sleep and decided to create the woman from man. Still in God's likeness, just a little more different... a touch of mixed emotions. It was Adam's first gift and he loved it!
Now tell me, why dismiss all that for a mere miserable moment of sin?
We can still get that kind of relationship with God back, the question is, do we want to stay away from sin? Do we want to walk with God hand and hand? Do we see Him?
Mrs Cristiane Cardoso
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