A very basic rule of life is: you get what you pay for. Whenever anyone tries to rip us off or take what is rightfully ours, we can get pretty upset. We want justice and whenever anyone tries to block us from receiving it, we react.
If you went to a car dealer and paid $70,000 for a brand new car, you wouldn’t be happy if the salesman drove out a 10 year old car with dents in the side and smoke coming out the back and handed you the keys. You’d demand your money back or wait till he brought out a car that you thought was worth the price you paid, or even call your attorney. But you wouldn’t accept that old car.
And yet, every March or April, Good Friday and Easter roll around when close to one third of the world’s population, 2 billion people, celebrate the death and of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you ask these people they’ll tell you that Jesus died for them, that He overcame and won a great victory over sin, sickness, curses and everything else. But the all-important question is: How are the lives of those two billion people? How is their belief in God benefiting their lives, if at all?
Jesus said: “I overcame…” John 16.33. So if we believe in Him and follow His teachings shouldn’t we be abale to say the same thing? He went through all that He went through and overcame, and here we are failing in life even though we believe in Him… How does that make sense? But a strange thing about human nature is that we know how to reason when it comes to the physical things of life like buying a car or demanding our rights at the customer service counter, but fail to apply the same principles to our faith.
This Easter season we’re challenging people to change this state of affairs and start to have a life that makes sense.
If you are tired of failure, tired of songs and sermons but no results, and want to become an overcomer like the God you believe in, join us this Good Friday and Easter Sunday at UCKG - Kijabe Street Former Globe Cinema. Nairobi - Kenya
Be an overcomer this Easter season.
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