He looked around and all that glory and beauty of heaven just wasn’t fulfilling. Angels at His service and perfect harmony wherever He went, but God still wanted more. His dream had always been to have children of His Own and not just creatures. Children just like His Son, ready to serve Him out of joy and not of obligation. He then worked hard for this dream to come true.
He thought of every detail in order to change the appearance of this place called earth. Like a mother prepares the room for her new baby and thinks of the color of the room, the clothes, the bedding, and all the decoration so that even though this baby cannot understand what is going on, she can give him the best welcome possible. God did that with all heavens, the seas and rivers, the sun, the moon, the trees, and all the animals. Everything was perfect… each animal knew exactly what role to play, the sun and the moon were given a strict schedule to follow, and moreover, nature had an agenda to work for His Children.
At last everything was ready and the best part was to take place. The Child. He decided that this one wouldn’t be done by Words, so He came down and made this perfect child with His Own Hands. He gave this child everything he needed in order to be just like Him – Perfect. Soon after that, He noticed that this child, like Him, needed a companion. He immediately took care of that and made another child, but this time, a complete different one. He made the woman and she would have everything that the first child didn’t have. She would be more emotional and weaker in some ways, but she would have everything needed to fulfil His first child's needs.
Now His dream seemed to have become a reality and so He was happy and could finally rest. Everyday He would come and walk with His Children, the harmony in heaven extended down here to Earth! His Children had everything and which Father isn't completely satisfied and honored by such a sight? God was fulfilled.
Nevertheless, this harmony did not last as He expected. His Children decided to look beyond that perfect life and to see what else there was for them. They decided to sin. It wasn’t unintentional at all, it was deliberate - they knew exactly what they were doing at the time so much that they did it when God wasn’t around. Why is it that we always miss the big picture? Can we easily exchange great blessings in our lives for a minute of the unknown? Husbands trade their families for a minute of pleasure with a lover… Girls trade their purity for a minute of pleasure with their boyfriends…
Anyhow, God’s dream seemed to be at its end by now. As much as it hurt Him, He could no longer allow His Children to benefit from all that harmony in Paradise, because if He did, it would have even taken away His harmony in heaven because sin just brings more sin! He had no choice but to send them away… He knew now that the only way to see His dream come true was through sacrifice… all He had left was His firstborn Son who had always been there with Him… what a sacrifice… He tried everything else – a nation of His Own, the commandments, and the prophets but nothing was going to do what the sacrifice would and so He gave His Only Son… and here we are – part of His dream come true!
In faith,
Cristiane Cardoso
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