Lucifer lived close to his Creator in the Garden of Eden. He was the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and beauty, adorned with every precious stone, anointed as a guardian cherub and remained on the Holy Mountain of God. In short, he was perfect, Ezekiel 28.
Because of this, pride began to grow in his heart and made him think that he could ascend to the heavens, raise his throne above the star of God and sit enthroned on the mount of assembly. He wanted to be like the Almighty, Isaiah 14.13-14. His desire was to steal the Glory of God, and as a result, he left the presence of the Lord taking one third of the angels with him.
God entrusted the angels to Lucifer, but because He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, He knew the intention of his rebellious heart, and with no other alternative, expelled him from heaven.
Arriving on Earth, he managed to turn Adam away from God. Adam, who was influenced by the “lord”—yes, lord of the fallen—disobeyed God and turned away from the Almighty. And that was it! Satan had succeeded in establishing his kingdom here on Earth.
Arriving on Earth, he managed to turn Adam away from God. Adam, who was influenced by the “lord”—yes, lord of the fallen—disobeyed God and turned away from the Almighty. And that was it! Satan had succeeded in establishing his kingdom here on Earth.
On one side, there was a spiritual army of fallen rebels. On the other, the human race, descendants of the firstborn of the fallen. In fact, now I understand why “…the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one,” 1 John 5.19.
What’s interesting is that history continues to repeat itself today. We see people who are being helped (evangelized), turning against those who have helped them, calling themselves equal to or greater than the person who has spent years trying to free them, teach them, and finally place a ministry in their hands.
The pride in their hearts make them rebellious, like Lucifer, “your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor, I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you,” Ezekiel 28.17.
The lord of the fallen has blinded their understanding in such a way that, in addition to using others that also fell away to form their army of ministers, they treat those who won their souls and introduced them to the Gospel with utter disrespect.
I feel obliged to warn all who have fallen from the presence of God, and those who are being tempted to do such a foolish thing: Run back into the arms of the Lord Jesus. The lord of the fallen is the “father” of all who turn away from the Almighty. He will drag your soul into hell if you happen to die far from the One you have rejected, the One who reached out with forgiveness and mercy to save you.
Do you want to spend eternity with this kind of “father”?
God bless you,
Bishop Sergio Correa
Bishop Sergio Correa
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