I go even further to say: uncleans spirits have stopped people from exercising their understanding of the thoughts of God.
Usually, people are too lazy to think. They want everything handed to them easily. This only makes their deliverance more difficult.
We can deliver them from evil spirits while in they are in Church. But outside, the same evil spirits will try to come back into their lives. If their foundation is not built upon the thoughts (Word) of God, those spirits will return.
We must resist them in our minds! People have to doubt the thoughts of doubt, the thoughts of fear and the thoughts of worry, based on what God has spoken and written…
Mind, intellect, reason and understanding are the base of making a decision.
Deciding whether to choose and obey what is good or what is evil.
When we decide to obey the Word of Good, evil is neutralized.
Because of this, Satan has invested strongly in preventing the thoughts of God from reaching mankind’s intellect.
He knows that if this happens, the person will be free from his prison, depression or whatever else.
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8: 32
It is in the intellect that intelligent faith is processed.
It is free. It does not depend on anybody else. We can use the promises of God anytime and anywhere.
Jesus said: you shall know the truth. This takes place in the mind.
If He wanted this truth in the heart, He would say: you shall feel the truth…
A faith that is processed in the heart is useless. It keeps the person imprisoned by their feelings. Their decisions are made depending on what they feel.
Religions were created by the devil to encourage emotional faith. Even the evangelical religion!
Faith that is processed in the intellect believes in what is written.
And because he believes, it does not matter what he feels or does not feel.
This is the secret of victory: using an intelligent faith.
This is a faith that is based on the Word of the Eternal, Creator, Almighty, of Him that will never, ever fail.
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Mathew 24: 35
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