God’s timing
Because the Almighty is in perfect control of everything in His Kingdom. Do you believe this?
One of the most serious problems for the people of God, is their love life.
But let’s look at how our Lord and King goes about solving this problem:
When a subject, servant, priest and child loves Him with all his heart and with all his soul, with all his strength and with all his understanding, God in turn sends him a special gift that satisfies the desires of His child: a wife/husband.
As it is written, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the LORD.” Proverbs 18.22
That being the case, a cross is formed: the vertical pole (you and God) + the horizontal bar (you and the one you love).
At times it may seem that it’s taking a little too long. But that does not mean there’s a delay. In fact, He is preparing the right person for you, or preparing you for someone who is already ready.
If this describes your situation, don’t be uneasy, worried or anxious—those who believe do not give up, are not in a hurry and do not run away.
On the other hand, it is also written that the time for the promise to be fulfilled is approaching, and will not fail. “If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”Habakkuk 2.3 NLT
This word applies to the promises of God, but only for those who believe. Do you believe?
What tactics has the devil used against God’s elect? He knows our needs, especially when it comes to our love lives, and so he has used his children to create anxiety in the hearts of God’s elect.
When are you getting married? Do you have a boyfriend? Be careful, or you’ll end up gathering dust on the shelf, etc. In so doing, the devil is able to weaken the faith of some believers. A second attack would be to cast doubt on the promises of God. And so on…
If believers do not take along the extra oil, their lamps might go out and they will be left in the dark.
Do not be deceived! Do you really think that our Lord will fail us? Do you think He lacks the power to take care of us? Shouldn’t He be able to meet the needs of the subjects of His kingdom? Only a fool would doubt this!
Work at pleasing Him, and He will fulfil the desires of your new heart.
Stand firm and keep the faith, because God’s timing is never late, and never early. Everything happens at exactly the right time.
When you least expect it, you’ll receive the answer.
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and may your dreams come true in the time of Your Father.
Do you believe?
Well then, let’s extend the Fast of Daniel—another 21 days, the first of 2012.
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