Day 20 – The last Chance
Thinking about suicide?
When I was 7 years old I had a large tumor on my right thigh and doctors agreed that my leg would have to be amputated.
My family’s financial situation was bad and we had just received an eviction notice.
My family’s financial situation was bad and we had just received an eviction notice.
That afternoon my father, who didn’t normally drink, came home drunk
after spending all of his salary… the money my mother was counting on to
pay the rent.
That night my mother kicked him out of the house and decided to kill herself.
was an only child, so after putting me to sleep she went into the
kitchen with my father's gun and was about to pull the trigger when all
of a sudden I woke up and called out to her.
She came into the room expecting to do one more thing for me before
killing herself, but I wanted to watch cartoons on TV. She tried to
explain that there were no cartoons at that time of night, but I
So she turned the TV on, turned the volume up really loud and was
planning to leave me in front of the TV while she finished the job. But
she just so happened to tune in to a program called Panel of Truth just
as Pastor Macedo was saying, "If you think there’s no hope for
your problems and have a gun pointed to your head—ready to kill
yourself—don’t do it. Come to the church because there is a way to solve
your problems."
After hearing this invitation she decided to attend the church, but
told herself that if nothing changed, she would then go ahead and kill
The next day I was carried to the church because I couldn’t walk
anymore. The tumor was too large. When we entered the church she sat me
down on the last bench, and there and then, an evil spirit manifested in
Pr. Macedo was alone in the church at the time, and as he came over
to pray for her the demon said he had been sent to destroy everyone in
my family. He said he had come into our lives because my aunt had done
witchcraft on one of my doll’s legs, so that I would lose my leg and
cause my parents all sorts of pain.
After the prayer Pr. Macedo asked me to come over and give my mother a
hug, and I got up and walked—something I had not done in a very long
mother was overjoyed and as I came up to the altar, we noticed that the
tumor had burst and all the impurities were oozing out.
It’s been almost 30 years now and throughout this period of time my
entire family has been attending the Universal Church. We overcame all
our hardships and the witchcraft and persevered in the faith. I have
younger brothers who are Assistants and my parents live in Jardim
Botânico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and are members of the UCKG in
Botafogo, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
I gave my life to Jesus at a very young age, after having an
encounter with Him at the age of 15. For four years now I’ve been doing
the work of God in South Africa.
Fabiana Moreira
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