If you visit your local jail or courthouse, you will see parents red-eyed from crying and sleepless nights, running around and following behind lawyers as they try to get their son or daughter out of prison. How much is it? Five, ten thousand dollars? Here it is, take it — take all I have, but let my child go…
It doesn’t matter what their son or daughter has done. He or she may have stolen, sold drugs, or even killed somebody. Parents still want to help their child.
Now think about how God must feel about us.
LORD, look down from heaven and see us… Surely you are still our Father! Even if Abraham and Jacob would disown us, LORD, you would still be our Father. You are our Redeemer from ages past. Isa 63:15,16
The truth is that our defeat is God’s shame. Our failure is a stain on God’s reputation. He can’t let us down, even if He wanted to. Even if we did wrong against Him. Even if Abraham would disown us, He would still be our Father!
Keep this in your heart: God has more invested in you than you have in yourself. He wants you to succeed. When you succeed, He wins too.
So, do not fear. He will do whatever it takes to protect His child.
Just be His child.
For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15
No matter how far we would want to rescue our beloved ones from danger,MORE than we expect, God wants to be there Always to do even more than what we can. All we have to do is to lay our lives in His hands and we'll have all the care, love and protection we desire for.