Like God, the devil also works with words; he uses words or thoughts of doubt that cause fear and worries. As a consequence, people become emotionally unstable and they become vulnerable to harm. It’s a recipe from hell to kill, to steal, and to destroy.
There’s no medicine that can neutralise these attacks, but we have to set our minds on God’s promises and react. React immediately in our mind, through thoughts that are based on the Word. Faith’s counterattack combined with a good dose of trust and perseverance will make the devil run. That’s what it means to submit to God and resist the devil (James 4:7).
Good music, wise advice, a word of comfort, entertainment, or anything else is like taking an aspirin. It sooths the pain, but it doesn’t solve the problem. We must use the same tactics our Lord used when He resisted Peter’s emotional “advice”, saying: “Get behind Me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:23).
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