The single event that changed the world- and still does –
"So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, " It is finished!" And bowing His head, He gve up His spirit." John 19:30
If you understand what Jesus’ death on the cross meant for you, you will never again accept suffering in your life. If you believe in what He accomplished for you on the cross, you will reject every kind of curse, disease, guilt, failure, sadness and defeat.
The Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul spoke about what the Lord Jesus achieved on the cross: “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Col 2:15)
Do you know what the devil’s worst fear was? – that the Lord Jesus would go to the cross and die as a perfect and redeeming sacrifice. He tried to stop the Lord Jesus many times and in many ways, but he couldn’t. From the day the Lord Jesus was born till His last moments on the cross, Satan tried to defeat Him and impede His sacrifice:
“And Herod... gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem...” (Mt 2:16)
“And the people said, Save thyself, and come down from the cross.” (Mk 15:30)
Why? What was Satan’s fear and why did He want Jesus to come down from the cross? Why did he try to use even the apostle Peter to stop Jesus from going to the cross? (See Matthew 16.21-23)
Satan knew that if Jesus successfully accomplished His sacrifice on the cross, it would mean the end of his control over mankind. He knew he would be finished.
Praise God, Satan could not stop Him! Our Lord Jesus overcame! By the cross, our Lord disarmed the powers and principalities, stripped them off of their authority, humiliated them, made a public spectacle of them, and triumphed over them. No wonder He said on the cross, before giving up His spirit, “It is finished!
Now the question is: Are you benefiting from the blessings He conquered for you? If not, you should know that the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus does not make His blessings automatically appear in your life.
For you to receive His blessings, you need to manifest your faith with actions. And sacrifice is the highest, strongest manifestation of faith.
Remember: faith without works is dead.
People of faith don’t wait – they make things happen.
People of faith don’t stand still and watch Jesus pass by – they use their faith to get His attention.
People of faith do not accept to look at what happened on the cross and then just keep existing with the same old life.
If it cost Him so much, it’s because it was worth that much.
Are you taking advantage of it?
Kijabe Street – Former Globe Cinema – Nairobi
Phone: +254 20 300 0956, +254 729 243 699
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