In Matthew 7:7 Jesus said: “Ask and it will be given to you.” In Luke 6.38 He said: “Give and it will be given to you.” Okay, wait a minute. What must I do to receive something — ask or give?
The Lord Jesus gave us two parallel streets that lead to getting what we want. Ask Street is where our requests travel as they ride on prayer, perseverance, and faith in His promises. Give Street is where our requests travel secretly, wrapped in gifts. It’s like a limousine with dark tinted windows; you can’t see who’s inside, but you know it’s somebody important. Our gifts carry unspoken requests and announce their importance, and that’s why it’s a powerful way of asking.
Asking and Giving are two ways that lead us to Receiving. Each of them is powerful if used alone, in appropriate situations. If used together, they’re irresistible.
Jesus was teaching us that if we want to receive, we must not be ashamed of asking or afraid of giving. We need to overcome our laziness, doubts, and lack of faith to ask. And we need to overcome our stinginess in giving.
If we are brave enough to ask boldly and give generously, the only trouble we'll have will be finding room to put everything we will receive…
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