Why then do your prayers seem to be falling in deaf ears? Here are three more reasons:
4. The prayer that does not care about God’s will – I knew a man whose faith was very shaken because God “let” his aging mother die after he’d prayed so hard for her recovery. We need to understand that God’s will is sovereign and does not revolve around our selfish interests. Sometimes what we want is not what God wants for us. But if we trust in His goodness and wisdom as a Father, we may come to understand that what we were asking wasn’t really for our best.
5. The prayer that is not based on a promise – When was the last time you claimed your right as a customer, employee or country citizen? What was the basis of your claim? You called upon a written promise, agreement, or law. And based on that, you put your foot down and did not accept any less than your right. In the same way, our prayers must be based on God’s promises (the Bible has more than 8,000 of them) because then we know we are asking what He has already committed Himself to give us.
6. The prayer that never gets there – When you send a letter, you want to make sure it gets into the hands of the right person. If you write a letter to President Obama for example, what are the chances he will read it? Nearly zero. But if you go to school with the Obama daughters and one of them promises to make sure her dad gets your letter, you can consider it done. As sinners we do not deserve any blessing from God. But if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ — God’s Son and the sinner’s Friend — and pray to the Father in Jesus’ name, then we can be sure that our prayer will go to God. Any other name is a waste of time. “Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.” John 16.23
Prayer is meant to get results. If you would like to know more about how you can increase your faith and pray so you get results, join us in one of our prayer services.
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