Ever heard the phrase, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”? How about Murphy’s Law, “If anything can possibly go wrong, it will”? And the old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”?
Like a hamster running at top speed on his wheel, Bill gave his heart and soul to making a success of his business. He borrowed and invested large sums of money, trained technicians, worked tirelessly 7 days a week, took night courses in business management, got all his legal matters in order, and in one month, found himself close to bankruptcy and caught in a lawsuit by a dishonest employee. Looking back on his life, he sees a recurring cycle – failure in school, failure in marriage, failure as a father, failure in business endeavors, defeat after defeat no matter how hard he tries.
Jeanette never knew a happy family, and was willing to marry the first man to take her in. She determined to give her children what she never had. But as more of them came along, she found that her husband was no better than the father who had abandoned her. Her unstable emotions created an atmosphere of frustration among her young children who grew to resent and rebel against her. Now she prays in tears every night, worried about her sons in prison and her runaway daughter.
It’s not like they haven’t tried to change their lives or break out of their cycles of misery, but the impact of each failure hammers the thought into their heads, “this is your destiny, this is who you are.” And each attempt to fight back grows weaker and weaker until they just give up hope.
“It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.” (Psalm 18:32)
Wouldn’t that be nice if it could really happen? Of course it can, and it depends on you – if what God promises is only a wish, then it won’t be anything more than just positive thinking. But if you choose to base your life on what He says, you will be amazed at how soon the downward spiral of negative events begin to reverse their course.
Why not start right now? At The Universal Church, the pastors are ready to help you establish new cycles of success and blessings that will affect the rest of your year, and potentially the rest of your life. 7 Fridays of Breaking Cycles of Failure starts Friday, February 5th in all of our locations. Take part in this total transformation seminar where you will receive strong prayers of deliverance and powerful teaching over these 7 weeks.
Stop the cycle. Break the pattern. Cut off the root. And just see what happens then!
Join us this Friday at 7am, 1pm or 6pm at Former Globe Cinema - Kijabe Street. Nairobi
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